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French 'Spiderman' to 8 years in jail

French 'Spiderman', known as an art thief has been sentenced to eight years. Museum of Modern Art in Paris against the theft of five paintings were found guilty.

The art thief bhijerana tamika real name. His two assists in detainment. Imprisonment as well as the prices of those stolen photographs were fined an amount equivalent to eleven million dollars.

49-year-old could climb tamika Paris, luxury high-rise buildings, and that is why the name 'Spiderman'.

After being arrested, Mr. tamika matisa 011, Picasso, BRAC, Lizzy and draw madigaliyanira admitted that the photographs were stolen.

Tamika told police he entered the French art museum Fernand Oi broken safety net to draw a picture for theft. But then he saw that the alarm bajeni, he decided to steal the four pictures. He had his choice of photos. Could not retrieve the stolen images.

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