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Increasing the military budget Trump

The people's welfare in the United States have cut five thousand four hundred million dollars for the next fiscal year, "President Donald Trump is offering historical senabajetara. Trump falls flat in the initial fiscal 2018 budget proposal. Dinner at the White House on Monday, with the 46 governor's plan, Trump expressed. After assuming power in his first budget proposal on Tuesday to send the relevant institutions. The whole world is looking at the Triumph tomorrow's scheduled speech. He will address the nation on the day of the congress. News Daily Mail, AFP, New York Times and the Associated Press.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency's new budget long-term aspirations of the Republican (EPA) allocated for climate protection fund, has proposed a major cut. But an administration official said, the new budget does not seem to be any changes to trump social security and healthcare sectors. Although forbidden to speak publicly about the budget mahalasaha Capital Hill, close to the changes mentioned in the official confirmed. Donald Trump will address the lower house of Congress for the first time tomorrow. Just a day before being sent to the section of the budget plan.

This is the idea, that Congress set up in front of speech trump economic isyukei touch.

Triumph sector budget cutting plan is in the defense sector. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the welfare activities in various countries including the United States, which cut funding in the fall. It is expected that, by the middle of March will trump its final budget proposal. He said the army was stronger, bigger and make more efficient, which is unprecedented in US history.

Triumph speech, looked at the world: the formation of a joint session of Congress for the first time in a month, a week later, President Donald Trump is going to give a speech. The new guides in the debate on whether the plan is a change in the calculation of the prevailing key.

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