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Public streets with young wildness, then ...

The example of his disregard of the protests was a college student in Bihar mujaphpharapurera.
However, the water tank from 0 in February, the market area of ​​the plaza in the evening with a friend, the girl was returning to his own home. When they reached the area of ​​the plaza Harishobha walk, then a young bicyclist followed. Not only that, the young woman began to abuse the range of targets. Dikataya first tried to pass in silence, tithisbara College decided to stand closer to the young girl.
The young girl was pushed down the street in the first public bike arohike. Nowhere young boy got hold of his collar and started licking. For the boy's hand and twisted beat soundly punished with infamy in his youth. His ranarangini gathered in the streets to see the statue. Pedestrians are providing strong support for the encouragement of young woman. Miscreants beaten young man started to cry. He wants to forgive the young woman's hands and feet. The young woman's heart melt. The young man left.
Residents mujaphpharapurera gathanaya quite happy with this. It's a shame to speak against the girls themselves if they think that it will reduce the reputation of women.

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